I'm in business, so I get it - in 2010, only 3.4% of stay-at-home parents were dads:


Still though, dads are often very involved even if they aren't staying at home. I think the numbers understate how many dads are involved in raising their kids.

Here's Amazon's official statement on why they called their diaper/family discount program, Amazon Mom: "Despite the name, you don’t need to be a mom to join. Amazon Mom is open to anyone expecting a baby or caring for a baby or young child, whether you’re a mom, dad, grandparent, or caretaker. We just thought “Amazon Primary Caretaker” didn’t have the same ring to it."

If it were just Amazon, then it wouldn't irritate me that much. But this sort of stuff happens all the time, and it's pretty demeaning. Here's another example, where P&G says that "being a mom is the hardest job in the world," and that they are the "proud sponsor of moms."

That's pretty insulting to dads. It's like they couldn't just say it once... they had to really rub it in. I really hate P&G's advertising, as their anti-dadism is truly baked into their ad messaging. At least with Amazon, it's just a single program (Amazon Mom) and not their entire advertising campaign. Unless it's for their shaving cream, in which case they trot out stereotypical male-focused ads.

Does it bother you at all that Amazon calls their diaper/family discount program, "Amazon Mom"? Or that P&G makes it a point to not highlight or mention dads in their advertising?